When you feel the whole world is against you... when you feel alone and unwanted... when darkness hovers around you... when sorrow overcomes you... when your troubles overwhelm you to the point of giving up... when friends leave you and betray you... when you love to the point of losing yourself and getting rejected in return...when life is unfair, and you're drowning from despair... THINK ABOUT HIS LOVE....

How does one comprehend when God is drawing us near Him? I take it no one can! But if one sees himself too infirmed before anyone's eyes, and therefore realizes the nothingness of his very all, then would he not be inclined to raise his weary arms to God in a gesture of surrender and total abandonment to His Love and Mercy? And when such is the case, then happiness now comes... but this time, the kind of happiness that goes beyond the senses. Peace now abides in the heart - almost touching the soul! - but is deeply rooted and thus would often times be questioned if such exists at all, for its depth surpasses the frail human feelings and sensations. And so like True Love wherein such are not at all coexistent with mere emotions but rather based on the soul's will, so should it be for Interior Joy and Peace, for these are stemmed from Faith in God. The greater the Faith in Him, the greater then these two.

Let me attempt to illustrate. When one holds a book at arms length, he appreciates the words being read. When he draws the book near in such a way that his optimum vision of the words is permitted, then he would all the more be absorbed by the readings. But if the book goes beyond the convenient distance for his eyes, would his eyes not find it difficult to focus and go wayward, and therefore - considering the strain in his eyes - be unable to read at all? And picture this, the book advances and finds itself resting on your very face! Silly scene, isn't it? What would you see this time? Of course, nothing at all... mere darkness... cannot read anymore, definitely... but you do know that the book is there....

So it is, I believe, with God. Finding Him and knowing all about His great love, your soul would immensely be captivated especially when you experience His very presence first hand. Naturally, you go all the more towards the Source of Love, with every desire to be closer to Him. That feels so good inside, having peace unbaffled by any circumstance, knowing the truth that nothing can really separate you from His Love. With such overwhelming interior experiences, it is but natural that you proclaim your unwavering resolve to surrender your life in His hands and to desire that His will be done while you breathe. A leap of faith. A total abandonment of your all to your Creator.

But then, something incomprehensible takes place. God heard your response, accepts it, and made a covenant with you. God knows you... He knows the minute you were conceived...He knows the very number of strands in your hair and has your name carved in the palm of His Hands... He knows you all too well that you are want of conviction and your frailties render you to lack the ability to remain faithful. But He who is faithful till the end will never let go.

And thus, He draws you to Him, beyond your expectations, beyond your very capacity... and this without any effort on your part -- everything by His grace and mercy. He embraces you with His fatherly affection, but this is now beyond your very nature and yes, sometimes your very will... for such embrace can now, at this point, be beyond your convenience. So, weak as you are and with little understanding, you get confused --  for you are unable to "read" the circumstances in your life now... Until the time that God is so near you, that His very presence is now beyond you... beyond your humanity... beyond everything that you are. Then, the dark night of the soul that St John of the cross so vividly describes occurs... when your soul gets engulfed by God's illuminating love, and you become one with the Eternal Flame.

Forgive my futile attempt to make sense. Actually, why God loves us so much doesn't make sense either. He just does. 

Note: all photos taken from www.webshots.com

God Bless you as always,
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    The musings of a fellow traveler walking along the narrow path of the Catholic faith.


    August 2013

